About Adventures with Ploox
From the moment he learns his dad is missing in the jungles of Mexico, Nicky Neill Carpenter knows it is up to him to track him down. Nicky Neill realizes he cannot attempt such a dangerous mission alone; he will need a sidekick. There is only one kid who comes to mind: George Plucowski, a.k.a. Ploox. Scorned for thumb sucking, pant wetting and a chronically leaking schnozz, Ploox is stunned when Nicky Neill asks him to become his unlikely partner.
Book 1: Risks, Wrecks and Roughnecks
Winner of the 2012 Golden Eagle Children's Choice Book Award
Filled with a cast of unforgettable characters, Adventures With Ploox finds a pair of small town boys surviving highway mayhem, hopping a freight train and enduring the unforgettable horrors of the Armadillo Ranch Camp. Together they face each obstacle head on as they make their way towards Mexico. As Book I of this exciting trilogy draws to a close, the boys find themselves engaged in an adventure unlike anything they have ever dreamed of.
Book 2: The Way South
Join Ploox and Nicky Neill in their continuing saga; an extraordinary adventure populated by uncommon characters and unexpected events. Ride alongside as they make their way south to the border of Mexico and beyond. Thrill with Ploox as he encounters love and recognition, the bite of the jungle, and a face-to-face brush with death.
Marvel as they fly with the amazing Voladores, confront highway robbery Mexican-style, and climb into a world above the trees with a mysterious host — the last know person to see Dr. Carpenter alive.
Book 3: When Ploox was King
Follow Ploox and Nicky Neill as their quest to find Nicky Neill's father takes an astonishing and unimaginable twist. With help from One-Zero, the boys, and their steadfast companion, Jorge, venture ever deeper into dark, uncharted jungle in search of the ultimate clue for unlocking Professor Carpenter's fate. The outcome of the trio's expedition yields results beyond anticipation.
Continue the odyssey alongside a cast of characters the world will never encounter again. Discover the mystery hidden in plain sight for five hundred years. Be present as the underlying purpose of One-Zero and Dr. Xama's task is brought to light. And, most of all, prepare to be transformed.